Live-cell imaging and analysis from your incubator
The Omni live-cell imaging systems are designed for continuous multiwell imaging in your incubator. Through intuitive design and robust image acquisition and analysis, the systems accommodate multiple applications and users. With automated brightfield and fluorescent imaging, you can study complex biological processes with ease.
Single platform, many uses
From cell culture monitoring to complex, multistep assays, the Omni platform is developed to accelerate research and enhance your cell culture workflow.
Incubator-based, whole-plate imaging
See every cell without disturbing the biology.
Monitor one plate or many
Choose your throughput with single-plate or automated multiplate handling.
AI-driven analysis
Quantify dynamic cellular processes in real time.
Cellular biology up close
Live-cell imaging offers noninvasive analysis of cell health, morphology, and function. Generate more accurate and reproducible data using whole-plate brightfield imaging and fluorescence-based assays.
Image and analyze the whole plate
Measuring the whole well captures every cell, and AI-driven, machine-learning algorithms quickly analyze the results for easy, label-free brightfield assays. Even at low densities, like in this clonogenic assay, whole-well imaging ensures consistent, quantifiable results.
With simple assays
Red and green fluorescent channels make the Omni compatible with a wide range of assays. Here, the interactions between immune cells (red) and cancer cells (green) are monitored over time.
See what it can bring to your cell culture workflow:
- Cell health and proliferation
- Immune cell killing
- Cytotoxicity
- Tumor spheroids and organoids
- Cell migration
- Immune cell activation
- Colony detection
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